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Indian Handicrafts Industry & Exports Does Indian handicrafts that are sustainable in nature have better international buyers

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  • Indian Handicrafts Industry & Exports Does Indian handicrafts that are sustainable in nature have better international buyers


India is known for its rich heritage and diverse culture, which has been beautifully reflected in its handicrafts industry. The Indian handicrafts industry is a vital part of the country’s cultural and economic landscape. It provides employment opportunities to millions of artisans across the country, especially in rural areas. The industry has been growing consistently over the years, and India has become a prominent player in the global handicrafts market. In this blog, we will discuss the Indian handicrafts industry and its exports, focusing on the sustainability of the products and their impact on international buyers.

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Overview of the Indian Handicrafts Industry:

The Indian handicrafts industry is one of the largest in the world and includes a wide range of products such as textiles, pottery, metalware, woodcraft, and jewelry, among others. The industry is primarily driven by small and medium-sized enterprises that are mostly located in rural areas and employ local artisans. The industry is estimated to provide employment to around 7 million people, including artisans, weavers, and other skilled workers.

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The handicrafts industry has been an integral part of Indian culture and tradition for centuries. The unique designs and craftsmanship of Indian handicrafts have been appreciated and sought after across the world. The industry has been recognized as an important sector for the country’s economy, and the government has taken several initiatives to promote and support it.

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Indian Handicrafts Exports:

India is among the top exporters of handicrafts in the world. The country’s handicrafts exports were valued at around USD 3.4 billion in 2020-21, with the United States, Europe, and the Middle East being the major markets. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the exports, but the industry is expected to recover soon.

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Sustainability of Indian Handicrafts:

The concept of sustainability has gained significant importance in recent years, and consumers are increasingly becoming conscious of the environmental impact of the products they buy. The Indian handicrafts industry has traditionally been sustainable in nature, with artisans using natural and eco-friendly materials to create their products. The use of natural materials such as wood, jute, and cotton not only makes the products environment-friendly but also gives them a unique look and feel. The sustainability aspect of Indian handicrafts has been recognized by international buyers, and there is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products in the global market. Sustainable handicrafts are not only good for the environment, but they also have social and economic benefits. The use of natural materials promotes rural livelihoods, and the traditional skills of artisans are preserved.

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Impact of Sustainability on International Buyers:

International buyers are increasingly looking for sustainable and eco-friendly products, and the Indian handicrafts industry has a lot to offer in this regard. The sustainability aspect of Indian handicrafts can give them a competitive edge in the global market. Sustainable products are perceived as being of higher quality and are often associated with ethical and social responsibility. International buyers are also interested in the story behind the products they buy, and Indian handicrafts have a rich cultural heritage that can be highlighted. The unique designs and craftsmanship of Indian handicrafts can be leveraged to create a compelling narrative that resonates with international buyers.

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The Indian handicrafts industry is a vital sector for the country’s economy, providing employment to millions of artisans across the country. The industry has been growing consistently over the years, and India has become a prominent player in the global handicrafts market. The sustainability aspect of Indian handicrafts has been recognized by international buyers, and there is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products in the global market. The use of natural and eco-friendly materials not only makes the products environment-friendly but also gives them a unique look and feel. 

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